Batman flies in to Santa Prisca, a sovereign state under control of Bane. The Dark Knight has come from Psycho-Pirate. He will get what he came for. And if Bane refuses. Batman will break his back.
Surviving the crash, Wayne emerges and is surrounded by Bane’s men. They attack and Batman is quickly overwhelmed. He is brought before Bane, and Batman repeats his demand. Bane may no longer have his venom… if he did, he’d have Batman bent over his knee. Not that he is free of this drug, he’s not strong enough anymore so this will have to suffice.
Bane takes him to a room. He spent seventeen years in here. Bane doubts Batman will last the night. As the tide comes in, water begins filling the wound. Still wounded from the fight, Bruce desperately breaks some holes in the wall, and, in great pain, realigns his spine. Recovered, Bruce makes his way out of the room, and discretely makes his way through Bane’s facility.
Catwoman’s been thinking about Batman. They’re so similar. They both grew up alone. But unlike Bruce, Selina grew up in an orphanage. And when it was bombed… well, they had 237 members. All of whom worked some way to make the bombing happen. And now… they have none.
Batman opens a door, letting Catwoman and the Ventriloquist inside. The others are fine. Everything is proceeding according to plan. Now… they are going to break Bane’s back.
So this issue was great, an easy, solid piece that deserves a recommendation. You’ll kind of have to check this comic out for yourself because it has a very cool parallel narrative going on that I couldn’t emulate in this recap. On the whole, I liked this angle and it made the comic both fun and different. The art was polished and well presented. I love how Bane is presented in an almost surreal, larger than life sort of way, while Batman just hits this issue hard, overwhelmed and against all odds, he just will-powers his way through the whole damn thing – Because he’s Batman. So, on the whole, it’s a good comic.
I like the story behind Catwoman’s surprising number of murder charges and it seems to fit her character. I’m really looking forward to seeing more of Batman’s Suicide Squad, but this was a fun, and pretty brutal issue. I’m not really sure how Batman is walking around after all of this, but I’m just going to go with it. It was cool and bad ass enough that well, who cares?
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