Whats goin on guys, welcome to comic island, my name is joey and today, we are reviewing and recapping the Justice League issue 38. This is what im talking about guys, this issue is just awesome. So if you ask if I recommend it, Definitely, Go pick this up right now. Me and arden love recapping the story in our own words but we obviously miss out on all the great dialog. And so far, Justice league has killed it with its great writing and art. As you may know, I am a fan of great story telling and the last few issues did an excellent job in building us this dark and gritty world. I also appreciate how they arnt using the word zombies but lets face it, the justice league are basically fighting off zombies, or rather, people infected with the amazo virus.
[Related: Justice League Reviews And Recaps]
There’s so many things going on right now. Lets talk about a few of them. Luthor still doesn’t know who is trying to kill him and he is obviously doing everything he can. Right now, if I had to guess the person that place the hit on luthor, I would say it is lena luthor, his sister. We don’t know anything about her and she only appeared in the last few issues. She is portrayed as the chair ridden little sister of lex that cant do much so it would blow my mind if we discover that she is the one that placed the hit. Obviously Dc would have to give her a reason as to why she wants to kill her brother. So here’s my guess, Lena Luthor sees her brother as a villain that should be put into the ground. If he dies, she would somehow rise to power as the new CEO of luthor enterprises and she would paint the world in HER image. I know its pretty twisted but im just speculating.
Ok so the next thing that’s going on is this amazo virus. In this issue, we discover that the infected has somehow grew a single conscious as if they are all being controlled by one hive mind. Wow, I did not see that coming. What an excellent twist, I seriously cant wait for the next issue lol.
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Justice League 38 review recap
As of right now, the most intrigueing thing in the justice league comic series for me, is lex luthor. I have never been more interested in him ever since he joined the justice league. Is he a good guy, is he a bad guy? We don’t know lol. He made the amazo virus to take away superman’s power along with any kryptonian’s that would escape from the phantom zone, yes that is a luthor thing to do. And he has a point that he never intended for this outbreak to happen. So then he makes a deal with superman to have complete immunity from any charges because of this amazo virus outbreak. Normally, its superman, wonder woman or batman that shines but right now, Luthor is the star of the show.
TAGS: Justice league, justice league 38, justice league comics, justice league comic review
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