The epic rivalry between two of the most iconic superhero friendship continues in year two, five year before the events of Injustice Gods Among Us...
Injustice Gods among us is an excellent game but the story left a ton of unanswered questions. How did Superman go evil? What made the...
Convergence covers up with a total of 8 issues. This recap will cover issues 0 to 9. Click the link below for the Dc Comics...
What happens to Gwen Stacy the spider girl after the events of the Spider-verse? Join Arden as he recaps her life moving forward and into...
The Odinson has lost his worthyness due to a whisper from Nick Fury. But the magical hammer must have a wielder and there must always...
Brace yourselves for an hour long detailed narration of the original Secret Wars from back in 1984. If you ever wondered what happened in the...
The summer of 2015 is only starting and we have already wrapped up DC comics event. Below you will find the entire convergence story arc...
Thor The God Butcher Complete Story Thanks for taking the time out of your daily lives and spending it with us here in Comic Island....
Batman: Arkham Knight #1-12 – The Complete Story Batman: Arkham Knight #1-12 Recap Our story begins where Arkham City left off. The Joker is...
Time Runs Out – Complete Story On Youtube Hello and welcome to Comic Island! My name is Arden, and this is the Complete Story of...