Patreon is a crowd funding tool that allows you to directly support your favorite creators on Youtube. I am honored that you would want to join the Comic Island family. Me and...
Hey everyone! So DC recently posted a quote from Action Comics #775, and I thought it was worth us taking a moment to see what this comic is all about, in the...
Today I'm about to talk about a movie. It's just a movie, right?
Today we're going to talk about the Top 10 Things about Heroes in Crisis and I'm already dead inside... oh boy...
Number 10 Futures End #0 Our list begins with the very first issue of this event, actually. This issue, released on Free Comic Book Day,...
So this is a fun and straightforward list. I’ve been looking over the collective history of Wonder Woman and have picked those I...
NUMBER 5 Events So this is starting to really become a recurring theme in my Top 10s these days. It’s not too hard to figure...
So… I’ve got a problem, guys. I am a big Spider-Man fan. I’ve been following these comics for a long time. I’ve read...
NUMBER 5 Supergirl and Comet the Wonder Horse Okay, here we go… so, in Action Comics #311, Supergirl’s pet superhorse Comet… um, yeah, that was...
So it’s Valentine’s Day and we’re going to have some fun today! Two years ago, I covered my favourite superhero relationships, but now it is...
NUMBER 5 Batman Beyond Oh, Terry, how could I stay away from you? I’m a big Batman Beyond fan, so this was one of the...